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After Three Decades, She’s Married to a Stranger: Low Testosterone Changed His Personality, His Outlook and His Sexual Performance

They’ve been married for 30 years, and the love of her life has undergone dramatic changes. He’s drained of energy and acts depressed. Sex doesn’t provide relief because he can’t sustain an erection. His symptoms suggest low testosterone, but these two lovebirds will need to communicate with each other before they can fix their marriage.
Case #:2051

When I married my husband, he was the best man I knew. Now, almost 30 years later – we’re 52 – I feel like I don’t even know who he is. He’s sullen and depressed and spends his evenings slumped in a chair watching TV. He claims he has no energy. Things have even changed in the bedroom. We used to have a great spark and make love several times a week. But my husband cannot maintain an erection, and as a result, he no longer wants to try to have sex. We don’t talk about these problems because he shuts me out. Do you have any suggestions for fixing my marriage and recovering our sex lives?

Depending on genetics and other factors we won’t get into, women enter menopause sometime in their late 40s or early 50s. This highly-publicized life event garners plenty of attention from health professionals, media outlets and pharmaceutical manufacturers. A condition you hear much less about is andropause, the male version of menopause. You read correctly – men go through a stage of life similar to but typically less dramatic than the dreaded menopause. We say typically because for some men, andropause renders irrevocable changes not always for the best.
What is Andropause?

Just as a woman loses estrogen during menopause, a man loses testosterone during andropause. In most cases, this loss of testosterone occurs gradually and in small amounts to yield few symptoms. However, a significant drop that happens quickly can cause the very problems you attribute to your husband.
Testosterone is mainly produced in the testes and gives a man his sex drive. It also sends signals to the brain that help achieve and maintain erections. Although testosterone is not the only factor responsible for erections, it is undeniably important.
Low testosterone, as sometimes occurs with andropause, usually gets mistaken as a natural part of aging. But this assumption is wrong. Small drops in testosterone are normal, but a substantial decrease is not. Without proper testosterone levels, a man will lose interest in sex and experience erection problems. Some men even suffer mood swings and depression. Another common sign of low testosterone is fatigue.
What Causes Low Testosterone?

The answers to this question are as diverse as the human population. Sometimes men inadvertently slow testosterone production by smoking and/or drinking. Others omit necessary nutrients from proper diet, and still others experience weight gain that interferes with normal hormone levels. Certain medications, such as those for blood pressure and depression, can lower testosterone, and so can inherited health conditions that cause underactive testes.
Facts to Share

You mentioned your husband isn’t willing to talk about topics like sex drive and making love. We perfectly understand what he’s feeling – the question is, do you?
Between 4 and 5 million men in the U.S. experience the effects of low testosterone. Once considered a condition of “older” men, a growing number of young men also from suffer low T. Some scientists theorize oestrogen in the environment – such as that found in food, plastics and other common products – diminishes testosterone.
One of the best things you can do for your husband is ask him to talk with you. Explain the condition of low testosterone and tell him you want to work together to resolve your problems in the bedroom. Then suggest he take an herbal supplement made with Cnidium.
From Low to High

Cnidium is a flowering plant that grows in China. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) uses the seeds to correct many different ailments. Increasingly, Cnidium is gaining recognition for its ability to treat erection disorders.
If you’re concerned about the efficacy of herbal supplements, don’t be. They are safe and, in many cases, formulated for specific health problems. (SEE: Cnidium for Revitalizing Your Erections) Cnidium improves circulation to increase blood flow to the penis. It also rejuvenates tired or damaged tissues.
The most important aspect of Cnidium is the natural boost it provides to testosterone. Without ingesting dangerous synthetic hormones, a man can regain everything low testosterone takes from him: libido, energy and firm erections. Once your husband begins an herbal regimen with Cnidium, you’ll notice a great different in the bedroom and your marriage.

What to do

Revitalize Your Erections with Cnidium

A man’s sex life depends on hormones

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